среда, 26 июля 2006 г.

10 Natural Ways to Prevent Colds and the Flu

10 Natural Ways to Prevent Colds and the Flu

This post brought to you by Fellowes . All opinions are 100% mine.

Just what I needed! I love these ideas for natural ways to prevent colds and the flu! I'm definitely trying these to stay healthy this winter!

I’ve never been a big fan of conventional medicine–especially antibiotics. Even as a child I avoided Tylenol if I could!

And since learning more about natural living and healing, I’ve become even more wary of pumping our bodies full of laboratory-engineered “medications” in the name of “staying healthy.”

The first line of defense in avoiding medications is to stay well in the first place. My family has been following this illness prevention regime the past two winters. I hope these help you as well!

Natural Ways to Prevent Colds and the Flu

1. Vitamin C

Studies are inconsistent as to whether or not Vitamin C actually speeds the healing process; however, it is well-known that the vitamin is an antioxidant and can help prevent disease (source).

Obviously, your best bet is to consume foods naturally high in this vitamin. Citrus fruits, strawberries, spinach, kale, peppers, broccoli, papaya, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, pineapple, kiwi fruit and mangoes are all loaded with this vitamin!

If you are not able to get adequate Vitamin C via food sources, take a good Vitamin C supplement. We typically add in a supplement at the very first sign of illness.

Take elderberry syrup at the onset of cold or flu symptoms or take as an immunity booster all winter long!

2. Elderberry Syrup

Elderberries are a natural immunity booster.

You can find the berries made into a syrup at most health stores or online. Or, you can try making your own. Stacy over at Humorous Homemaking enhances the flavor of her homemade elderberry syrup by adding blueberries to it.

Some people love the taste of the syrup, but many hate it. We give our girls a children’s formula, and my husband and I take these elderberry capsules that we get from there. The capsules allow us the health benefits without having to taste it.

3. Garlic

Raw garlic is full of amazing health benefits–including being anti-viral. Consuming it helps boost the immune system and fight infections (source).

If eating it raw makes you squeamish, you can purchase odorless garlic capsules. But, first, check out these 7 ways to eat raw garlic. One of them might appeal to you!

Essential oils are a good choice for beating a cold and preventing the flu. Check out these other natural remedies for staying well!

4. Essential Oils

Essential oils have become my first line of defense against any ailment that has plagued our household over the past couple years. Some tests have shown that essential oils are so strong that viruses cannot live in their presence (source).

One of our favorites is a a super antibacterial blend of oils. When we were in a place where we could not afford to buy special blends of oils, we made our own.

You can diffuse the oils into the air, add some oils to a warm bath or rub the diluted oil on your feet. We use a homemade disinfectant spray made with essential oils–as well as a homemade hand soap (peppermint is our favorite this time of the year!).

5. Vitamin D3

The best source of Vitamin is the sun, but most people get very little natural sunshine during the winter. In fact, 50-70% Americans may be deficient in this vital vitamin!

According to Dr. Mercola, “Vitamin D fights infections, including colds and the flu, as it regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses.” (source)

My family takes a significant amount of Vitamin D3 supplements. We take them throughout the year but up the intake during the winter months.

I would consult with your trusted healthcare professional to determine the best amount of Vitamin D3 for you.

6. Echinacea

Studies have shown that taking this herb can help boost your immune system, but the results have been mixed as to whether or not it actually prevents or shortens the life of a cold (source).

I previously took echinacea drops daily during the cold and flu season until I discovered that it’s really best to use echinacea at the first sign of illness.

An air purifier can help prevent colds and the flu. Click through for 9 more natural ways to stay flu free!

7. Air Purifier

Indoor air is up to five times more polluted than outdoor air, and our homes are teeming with airborne germs and viruses, the leading causes of cold and flu. Our family uses a Fellowes AeraMax™ DX-55 to “clear the air” and reduce the presence of germs and viruses.

I love that the air purifier has an automatic filter change indicator (because, let’s be honest–I would forget to change it!) as well as an automatic sensor that monitors the air quality and automatically adjusts the fan speed to keep our air purified.

Fellowes AeraMax™ DX-55 actually recommends a process to help prevent the flu:

1. Wash and sanitize hands regularly

2. Wipe down surfaces with powerful disinfectants

3. Purify the air indoors

8. Hand Washing

This is a no-brainer, but make sure you are washing your hands frequently with soap and water.

We do not use antibacterial soap in our home because we believe these can actually lower our natural immune responses. Instead, we use own own homemade foaming handsoap. We make sure to wash before meals and especially when we come home from being out in public!

Homemade, broth-based soup is one of the best natural remedies for colds and flu! Click through to the post for 9 more ways to boost your immunity.

9. Soup

Make some homemade chicken soup. Your grandma knew what she was doing when she made this a go-to cold and flu remedy!

10. Probiotics

We believe that good immunity begins in the gut, so we take a good probiotic daily. The healthy bacteria in probiotics help to fight bad bacteria that have taken up residence in our gut. The best choice for consuming probiotics would be to eat probiotic-rich foods (like yogurt, fermented veggies, etc.), but we are limited in this area because of food allergies.

What are your suggestions for natural ways to prevent colds and the flu?

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Disclaimer: Although I am passionate about nutrition, natural living and alternative health issues, I am not a certified nutritionist, medical doctor or practitioners of any kind. I am not licensed to counsel anyone in medical matters, nor may we be held responsible for any course of action that you choose in regards to your own health or that of your family. Please remember that what I am sharing is the result of my own experiences, but may not necessarily be the right course of action for you. Please consult with your trusted healthcare provider before making any decisions about your health.

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

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