четверг, 7 декабря 2006 г.

13 Freezer Friendly Breakfast Recipes ~ 31 Days of FreezEasy Meals

13 Freezer Friendly Breakfast Recipes ~ 31 Days of FreezEasy Meals

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13 Freezer Friendly Breakfast Recipes from 5DollarDinners.com

I’m not a morning person. Like, at all.

I once was. My husband likes to remind me that he “thought he married a morning person” because we went on a mountain biking date at 5 am when we were dating. I told him that I was a morning person…until the boys came along.

And then, I stopped sleeping…sorta. Then I started sleeping again, and now there are those nights that someone wakes me up for something. So I sleep sometimes. And because of all the sleep disruption, I now am not a morning person. Maybe I’ll be one again, but not right now.

Having meals and goodies in the freezer really helps me get through the mornings, while still walking around with a foggy brain. Plus, these grab ‘n go or quick-to-reheat breakfast options really help me get everyone fed easily and quickly. Because getting 4 boys ready and out the door before 7:30 a.m. is CHAOTIC. Even with all my systems, strategies and organization, it’s still HECTIC.

So…one or some of these are always in my freezer!

Pin all of our 31 Days of FreezEasy Meals here!

Erin’s Personal Recommendations for FreezEasy Meal Supplies:

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Other “31 Days of” Series to check out:

FREE DOWNLOAD! Get the Recipes for Eight 20-Minute Meals That Will Help You Survive Chaotic & Busy Weeknights!
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