четверг, 15 марта 2007 г.

20 Ways to Detoxify Your Home

20 Ways to Detoxify Your Home

The average house may contain as many as 400 chemicals and most of them are toxic. There are many ways to detoxify your home. Below are 20 tips to get you off to a good start.

Our family has spent several years slowly clearing away the toxins in our home. You don’t have to tackle this in a day, or even do everything listed here. These are tips not musts. We just do what we can and know that it is enough.

20 Ways to Detoxify Your Home Pin

Some of these are simple ideas that you are probably well aware of and already doing. While others you may feel not want to do at all. Do what works for you and your family in whatever ways you can. Every little bit helps both your family and the environment.

This post contains some affiliate and independent distributor links — opinions are my own. Thank you for your support!

1. Leave your shoes at the door

  • When you take off your shoes you eliminate a lot of toxins that get tracked into your house.

2. Dust Often

  • Dust is filled with toxins — Get rid of it as often as possible using natural ingredients.

3. Clean Mold the Second You See it

4. Replace Toxic Cleaning Products with Non-toxic Cleaning Products

  • I use natural products including vinegar and essential oils to clean my home — they get the job done and smell fantastic!

5. Replace Toxic Cosmetics, Shampoo & Skin Care Products with Natural Ones

  • Use mineral based natural cosmetics. Many natural foods stores carry a great selection.
  • Use lotions and creams with ingredients you can pronounce or make your own!
  • Useparaben & sulfate free shampoo’s, soaps and replace them with products made from natural ingredients.
  • Use natural deodorants without Aluminum.

6. Avoid Toxic Pest Control & Replace Harmful Pet Care Products

  • Use natural remedies in your home.
  • We use BestYet CedarCide for insect and pest control. It is a natural contact killer for bed bugs, fleas, ticks, lice, mites, ants, roaches, carpet beetles, silverfish, flies, mosquitos, chiggers, earwigs, gnats and an array of other non-beneficial insects. It kills insects on contact using cedar to attack their breathing system. It is deadly to pests and harmless to humans and pets. You can even spray it on skin as a natural mosquito and flea repellant!
  • We also use essential oils to eradicate pests and care for our many pets.

7. Keep Air Fresh & Clean

  • Open windows or keep as many cracked as possible.
  • Get an air purifier or diffuser. I like to use my essential oil diffuser with Purification or Thieves in it for this purpose.

8. Use Low VOC Latex Water Based Paints

9. Keep Plastics out of Your Home [And Help Save Our Oceans]

  • Plastics contain toxins such as BPA’s that leech into the air and into anything that touches them. It’s best to keep them out of the house.
  • Plastic shower curtains can be especially harmful.
  • Stay away from children’s toys marked with a “3″ or “PVC.”
  • Avoid plastic food packaging (when you can).
  • Don’t wrap food in plastic.
  • Choose baby bottles made from glass or BPA-free plastic.
  • Avoid vinyl teethers for your baby.
  • Don’t purchase bottled water. Plastic water bottles are bad for your home and the environment.

10. Filter your Tap Water or Order Spring Water

  • More than 700 chemicals have been identified in tap water. Drinking bottled water in plastic bottles is not a good alternative for our environment. See #9 above.
    • Use a Berkey Filter add fluoride filters if your city fluoridates your tap water. Fluoride is EXTREMELY toxic to the body.
    • Order Mountain spring water in 5 gallon glass jugs from a local water delivery service you trust.

11. Get Rid of Your Microwave

  • I know this one is not going to go over too well on many of you. My husband was reluctant to get rid of his when we met but now he is one of the biggest advocates of trashing microwaves that I know.
  • Microwaves make your food totally toxic. They jiggle the atoms in food to heat it and this strips all nutrients while leaving only toxic waste behind. I had an argument with a physicist about this once. He apologized and got rid of his microwave after he researched the matter. You can too. You will be better off without it — trust me. I grew up without one. My mother has never owned one in her entire life!

12. Beware of EMF’s & other Micro-waves

  • Wireless technology is bad for our bodies in so many ways — We are literally microwaved by it.
  • Wire in as opposed to going wireless in your home if possible. This can be inconvenient at times but we think it’s worth it.
  • EMF’s and other microwaves are especially harmful to the developing brains of our children.
  • We use Earth Calm in our home to protect us. It gets the highest reviews of any other device on the market by those that are sensitive to EMF’s.

13. Opt out of the Smart Meter Program

  • Smart Meters let off extremely damaging EMF’s.
  • Opt Out of Smart Meter Program.
    • Opting out can be done with a few quick clicks online.
    • A technician will come and replace it with an old school meter that works just as well without all the extra EMF’s you and your family don’t need.

14. Get Rid of Non-stick Pans & Bakeware

  • Teflon is toxic no matter what advertisers tell you. It contains PFC’s that have been linked to cancer and other developmental problems.
  • There are lots of quality pots and pans out there without non-stick surfaces.
  • I’m a big fan of cast iron and stainless steel cookware.
  • For more information:

15. Avoid Stain Guard Carpets & Clothing Items

  • Use natural fiber wool & cotton rugs and clothing.
  • If possible, replace your wall-to-wall carpeting with hardwood floors, all natural linoleum or ceramic tiles. Use nontoxic glues, adhesives, stains or sealers for installation.

16. Avoid & Replace Particle Board

  • Particle board often contains formaldehyde, which can emit irritating and unhealthy fumes for decades.
  • Avoid plywood, fiberglass, fiberboard and paneling if at all possible.

17. Avoid & Replace Toxic Lawn & Garden Products

  • Avoiding chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc. is an important way to keep your family safe and detoxify your home.

18. Purchase & Grow Organic Foods

  • There is nothing better for your family, home, and planet earth than growing your own organic food.
  • If you can’t grow it yourself purchasing from farmer’s markets and local natural food stores before supermarket chains is best.
  • I often post about organic gardening and will be adding lots more soon. Check under the Gardening tab above and sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss anything.

19. Use a Vacuum Cleaner with a HEPA Filter

20. Keep Your Home Happy!

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Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this website with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website. Please keep essential oils out of the reach of children.

Original article and pictures take rhythmsofplay.com site

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