четверг, 21 июня 2007 г.

3 Quick & Easy Ways to Boost Your Health Today

3 Quick & Easy Ways to Boost Your Health Today

These quick and easy ways to boost your health can all be accomplished today!

quick and easy ways to boost your health today!

With the plethora of information on how to improve your health on the internet today, it’s so easy to become frustrated when you feel like you just can’t measure up.

With so many options on ways to boost your health, you may not even know where to begin.

Should you start a new exercise routine?

Transition to a whole foods diet?

Change your skincare products?

Begin using natural and non-toxic household goods?

The possibilities of ways to boost your health don’t just seem endless; they are!

I’m a huge advocate of taking baby steps. When I forge full-force ahead on any goal–health-related or not–I burn out and end up worse off than before I even started!

The following are three quick and easy ways to boost your health. You can take action with all three of these today with very little time or effort!

Drink water in the morning

1. Drink more water.

This is probably the simplest health booster ever, yet it is one that I personally struggle with.

I drink a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, and it’s often not until I feel thirsty that I will realize I haven’t drunk anything else!

I’ve read that once you are physically thirsty you are already beginning to get dehydrated. Another sign of dehydration is chapped lips.

I am working on remedying this by carrying a water bottle around with me that reminds me to continuously drink water all day long.

I actually find I struggle with this more, though, on the days when I don’t leave the house (which can be most days for many homemakers!).

Filling up a large glass with water first thing in the morning and keeping it in a prominent place in my home is helping me to remember to drink more water.

I personally enjoy plain water as my beverage of choice, but if you prefer something with a little more flavor, you can always try these homemade flavored waters!

take a daily probiotic supplement

2. Take a daily probiotic supplement.

Before I became a mom in 2008, I had never even heard of probiotics–much less had incorporated their use into my daily routine.

In fact, when I purchased my first probiotic supplement, I was a little apprehensive about even using it. I had read probiotics were great for boosting your health, but I wasn’t quite sure exactly what they did or what they were.

Now, my whole family takes a probiotic every single day!

In short, probiotics help keep both the digestion and immune system functioning at optimal levels. These two systems are heavily related. Probiotics works in your digestive tract, where 70% of your immune system is located. Some people say that health actually starts in the gut!*

The first probiotic brand that our pediatrician recommended to me was the Culturelle® Health & Wellness Probiotic. The probiotic in Culturelle Health & Wellness works in the digestive tract to help to keep your immune system healthy. With just one capsule per day, the immune system is provided with a clinical strength serving of 100% Lactobacillus GG containing 15 billion live active cultures.*

I am now taking my supplements as part of my nighttime routine, and just one probiotic capsule per day can go a long way. It’s an incredibly quick and easy way to support your health.


3. Go to bed earlier.

This is probably the easiest way to quickly boost your health, but it takes discipline. For me, it takes cutting my computer time off by 9:00 p.m. (I don’t always do this), or else, like a friend says: “My butt gets glued to the couch.”

The later I stay up, the harder it is to make myself go to bed!

I finally started implementing a good nighttime routine about six weeks ago, and I’ve never felt better. When I go to bed between 10 and 10:30 p.m., I seriously feel like a completely different person!

Sleep in vital to overall health–and is integral in healing adrenal fatigue (a.k.a. burnout).

These three quick and easy ways to boost your health are simple enough that you can begin implementing them today!

3 quick and easy ways to boost health

What do you do daily to keep a healthy lifestyle? Do you have any tips for quick and easy way to boost your health?

Disclosure: * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Culturelle Probiotics sponsored this blog post. The opinions and text are all mine.

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

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