пятница, 14 сентября 2007 г.

4 Surprising Benefits of Being Barefoot

4 Surprising Benefits of Being Barefoot

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4 Surprising Benefits of Being Barefoot  #t2hmkr

As civilization has grown and changed, we’ve modernized a lot of things and not thought much about the consequences. Sometimes, the consequences aren’t very obvious – but we’re missing out on some benefits our ancestors derived from the simplest of things, like the way they slept or walked! Here are four ways that simply going barefoot can help keep you healthy:

1. “Earthing”

The human body is an electrical “object.” It has its own energetic system that hums throughout it at all times. But it’s also designed to come into regular contact with the earth. This helps keep the energy in proper balance, as electrons can flow freely from the earth into and through the body, enabling it to maintain a sort of electrical homeostasis.

Our modern lifestyles – constructed houses, rubber soles, asphalt pavement, etc. – have buffered us against this contact with the earth and, as a result, most of our bodies are improperly ionized. Going barefoot on equally-bare ground helps restore this stability.

(Researchers actually discovered that astronauts can develop serious health problems over time as a result of being so completely separated from the earth’s electromagnetic fields!)

2. Foot Massage

Walking barefoot provides a sort of “massage” for your feet, along with all the benefits this confers. Of course we all know that massage helps relieve stress. It probably also stimulates the lymphatic system, enhancing immunity. And stimulates all of the acupressure points on the feet, which may have a positive effect on overall well-being.

4 Surprising Benefits of Being Barefoot  #t2hmkr

3. Sensory Development

When all of the nerve endings of the feet are permitted to come into contact with the ground during the process of walking, certain sensory systems are stimulated, helping to develop a good sense of balance, coordination, and spatial perception. (This is more significant for little ones who are just developing, but I imagine it can’t hurt us “grownups,” either!) Because it’s stimulating the nervous system, this is good for the nervous system overall, as well.

4. Strength

Walking barefoot strengthens the feet. Because a bare foot must conform and adapt to uneven terrain, the muscles are stimulated in constantly-changing ways. This is good for muscle development.

Of course there are times when you won’t want to be barefoot; sometimes your feet need protection! But when you can, it’s helpful to go barefoot. And when being barefoot isn’t possible, try to aim for soft-soled and/or leather (not rubber) soles. And please leave those toddling babies in their bare feet as much as possible!

(There’s more about the benefits of being barefoot in this article from Pathways to Family Wellness magazine.)

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Original article and pictures take titus2homemaker.com site

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