понедельник, 25 августа 2008 г.

7 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle

7 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
7 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle www.theliveinkitchen.com

I talk quite a bit here about my commitment to healthy eating and exercise. As a mother of young children I know it is so hard to make time for yourself in these areas. Most of your time and energy is spent getting your kids to eat a single vegetable, turn off the tablet, and not go on a sugar rampage. If there’s any time leftover after you’ve hauled in groceries from the car and wiped yet another butt, you probably just feel like popping in a frozen pizza and eating it stretched out on the couch.

While it does take a little extra time and energy to make wellness a priority, I believe a few simple steps can help make it simpler.

1. Meal plan

Spend a few minutes each week before you go to the grocery store to set a general meal plan and make a list. Then stick to it. It’s a lot harder for me to order take out when I know those vegetables in the fridge are just going to go bad if I don’t eat them.

2. Don’t buy the “bad” stuff

Whatever your vice is, just don’t buy it. You can’t eat the junk food if it’s not in the house (or at least you have to make the commitment to drive to the store to get it – maybe you can walk there?).

3. Have a healthy breakfast

I find that I make much better choices throughout the day when I start with something good. Maybe it’s the snowball effect – “Well I already ate donuts this morning so today isn’t going to be a healthy eating day. I might as well eat whatever I want and get it out of my system.” Instead, choose yogurt and fruit, eggs and avocado on toast, or a fresh smoothie made of soymilk, fruits, and vegetables.

7 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle www.theliveinkitchen.com

4. Keep busy

Try to plan one hard working activity into your day such as scrubbing the floors or raking leaves. If you work outside the home park a little farther from the building or consider biking to work.

5. Work little exercises into your day

You may not feel like you have time for a full work out during the day, but you do have time to do ten push ups. Right now. Do it. See? Do squats when you’re folding laundry or dance while you’re making dinner. Make your movements count by keeping your core tight. You can also hold something heavy (like a baby or a sack of flour) while doing something like lunges to pack a bigger punch.

6. Track your progress

If you’re like me, striving to do your best can be very motivating. I track all my runs because it motivates me to push a little farther and a little faster every time. If you’re not a runner, consider investing in a gadget that tracks your steps or monitors your heartbeat to motivate you to get moving.

7. Don’t do it alone

Find some like minded friends who want to live a healthy lifestyle and build each other up. Start a Facebook group to keep connected or plan a day of the week to meet at the gym. Everything is more fun with friends plus it helps you think twice about how many scoops of ice cream you take when you know you’ll have to report it to someone later.

7 Simple Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle www.theliveinkitchen.com

These are just a few simple changes you can make today to start towards a healthy lifestyle. You can visit Silk Soymilk to find more ideas for incorporating soy protein into your healthy lifestyle, learn about their products, or visit them on Facebook. What are some of your ideas for getting healthy?

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.

Original article and pictures take theliveinkitchen.com site

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