вторник, 30 декабря 2008 г.

A Cold Sore Remedy {and other ways to prepare for cold and flu season}

A Cold Sore Remedy {and other ways to prepare for cold and flu season}
Cold and flu season is almost here. Prepare with these simple home remedies, plus a homemade cold sore remedy.

I’ve been making some “supplies” for the cold and flu season, and one of those supplies is a cold sore (or fever blister) remedy. I’ve had the unfortunate opportunity to use this several times over the last couple of months. If I put it on when I first feel the tingling of a cold sore devloping, the cold sore doesn’t develop. The first time I used it, the cold sore had started the day before but by day 5 it was gone. Needless to say, I’m pretty excited about this new remedy.

Here’s the recipe, 6 drops lemon essential oil, 4 drops lavender essential oil, 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil and 2 tablespoons carrier oil (I use coconut oil). Mix it up and put it in a small jar or roll on bottle. All of these essential oils have anti-viral properties but make sure you dilute them by using a carrier oil. This recipe makes three 10ml roll on bottles (1/3 oz). If you want to make just one, you can adjust the recipe – 2 drops lemon, 1 drop lavender, 2 drops eucalyptus and 2 tsp carrier oil. Since this is something that is used externally and for a short period of time (just a few days in most cases) it’s okay if it’s a little stronger than a standard 2% dilution.

Over the years I’ve used a lot of different brands of essential oils. I’m now in the process of just using Rocky Mountain Oils. They have quality oils and make each batches GC/MS test results available, they also practice environmental sustainability in harvesting, packaging, and recycling. These are things that are important to me.

Cold and flu season is almost here. Prepare with these simple home remedies, plus a homemade cold sore remedy.

I also made a big batch of a “concoction” that I learned from our Kenyan friends. I freeze it in ice cube trays so we’ll have plenty on hand when we need it. You can get video tutorials of how to make this and the other recipes in the Simple Remedies for Cold and Flu Season ecourse.

A couple of years ago Kathie from Homespun Seasonal Living sent me some elderberry syrup and tincture in exchange for some lemons. I had never had elderberry syrup before and was pretty excited to use it. Esther had a lingering cough that she just could not shake and after a few days of taking elderberry syrup her cough was gone. This year, I ordered my own elderberries and made syrup and tincture for us. I also planted an elderberry tree.

Chris of Joybilee Farm makes a Fire Cider to take before anyone gets sick. It takes 4-6 weeks so I better get to it made if I want to make some for this winter.

SchneiderPeeps - Dry, chapped skin is a huge problem in the winter. You can easily conquer it with homemade scrubs and lotions.

I’ve been working on some homemade lotions but the recipes aren’t quite right for sharing – they are a little greasy. But I do love to make different scrubs to help with dry skin.

That’s it. This is how I prep for the cold and flu season. I’ve found that with these few things along with eating lots of citrus, taking epsom salt baths and limiting sugar we can usually make it through the season without getting sick enough to go to the doctor.

Cold and flu season is almost here. Prepare with these simple home remedies, plus a homemade cold sore remedy.

What are your natural must-haves for the cold and flu season?

Original article and pictures take www.schneiderpeeps.com site

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