пятница, 20 февраля 2009 г.

A Sample Hospital Birth Plan

A Sample Hospital Birth Plan

Do you have birth wishes you want the hospital staff to honor? Make sure your doctor is aware of them ahead of time! Here’s an example of a hospital birth plan that you can tailor to your needs and share with care providers.

Here's an example of a hospital birth plan that you can tailor to your needs and share with care providers. Make sure your doctor knows your birth wishes ahead of time!

Today, I am delighted to welcome my good blogging buddy, Stacy formerly from Stacy Makes Cents now from Humorous Homemaking, as a guest poster for our “A Natural Phenomenon Natural Pregnancy & Birthing” series! Today, she’s giving us a sample birth plan for a hospital birth. Please pay her site a visit. You will be blessed!

Guest Post by Stacy of Humorous Homemaking

The birth of my first child did not go as expected. I did not prepare, and I didn’t know what was going on.

I had spent all my time reading silly baby books about what my child should do after birth. Boy, was that a HUGE mistake!

I should have prepared myself for the journey of labor instead of dilly-dallying around with stupid baby schedules that never worked and drove me looney tunes. Just rely on that natural mama instinct, y’all.

Not sure what to say on your birth plan? Here's a sample hospital birth plan template you can use for free!

BUT, this time I have decided I’m going to be ready. I am fully aware our plans don’t always go as expected. However, it’s better to have a plan and be informed than to lie around like a silly invalid. I didn’t have a plan with Annie, but I will for Baby 2.

I’m reading and talking with my doula…I’m trying to learn the classic signs of real labor and pain relief options BEFORE I GO INTO LABOR. So, my husband and I have written out our desired birth plan for this child. I thought it would be helpful for others to be able to see it. Feel free to use it for yourself if you so desire.

Sharing a written birth plan with hospital staff can help you achieve a natural labor. Here's how to make one!

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ~Ben Franklin

Birth Plan

To: Caregivers at [Insert OB office here (primary doctor – Your Doctor)]
Obstetrical nursing staff of Your Chosen Hospital
From: Mother and Father

We have chosen to give birth at the maternity ward of Chosen Hospital because of their outstanding facility and great staff. We are requesting your help to attain our goals and have a happy, healthy birth. In the event of complications, we will give our full cooperation after an informed discussion with the doctor and private consideration between mother, father, and doula.

First Stage of Labor:

  • Those to be present at all times at the labor and birth: (father) and (doula)
  • I would like to labor at home as long as possible and request the option to return home if I arrive at less than 5 cm dilated.
  • I would like to have my birthing ball and back massager and request to have showers for pain relief when desired.
  • If IV is deemed necessary, please use a heparin lock so that I can move around and walk as needed.
  • Please no internal fetal monitoring unless emergency arises.
  • Vaginal exams only upon consent and as few as possible to avoid rupture of membranes
  • Please no pitocin or breaking of water unless deemed medically necessary
  • No analgesia or anesthesia unless requested
  • Freedom to move and walk during labor
  • I would prefer no hospital gown – I will bring one from home.
  • Quiet room, no excess staff please

Second Stage Labor:

  • Choice of position for pushing; please no stirrups
  • Mother chooses when to push
  • If delivery assistance is needed, please use suction instead of foreceps.
  • Please place baby on mother’s abdomen after birth, unless medical intervention is necessary.
  • Cord to be cut by father, after pulsing stops
  • Breastfeed immediately to help birth placenta – no pitocin, uterine massage, or pulling of cord please
  • Keep lights low
  • If stitching is necessary, please use local anesthetic.

Third Stage Labor:

  • Newborn to stay with parents at all times; no nursery visits please
  • Please delay all routine exams for ________ to allow for bonding time.
  • Please perform all physical exams and procedures in room with parents.
  • If warming is needed, baby is to be placed on mother’s chest with blankets.
  • Breastfeeding only: no bottles, pacifiers, artificial nipples, formula, or water
  • Father to stay with baby and mother at all times

We thank you in advance for your support and kind attention to our choices. We look forward to a wonderful birth.

NOTE: In the event of a c-section, I would like (father) and (doula) to be present. Please let the baby remain with me until I’m stitched up and ready to be moved to recovery.


If you want to learn more about natural childbirth, watch this free webinar from Mama Natural!

Have you ever used a birth plan? What would you include on a birth plan for a hospital birth?

About Stacy Myers

Stacy is a stay-at-home mom to Annie, Andy, Eli and soon-to-be #4. After an “awakening” in March 2011, her family switched to a more natural, whole foods diet.

She likes to blog about how to live on less than you make and how to eat good food while doing it. Her passion is teaching others how to save money and she tag teams with her husband in this endeavor. At Humorous Homemaking you’ll find information on how to save money in the kitchen, how to have fun with your kids, and how to be thrifty in all areas of life. Her passion is teaching others how to live debt free. Make sure to follow her on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with her daily antics.

A Natural Pregnancy Series for Expectant Moms
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Check out the other posts in this series.

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

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