вторник, 3 марта 2009 г.

Age-Appropriate Chores for Children

Age-Appropriate Chores for Children

© Copyright 2013 www.flandersfamily.info

Ages 2-3 ! Put toys in toy box ! Stack books on shelf ! Place dirty clothes in

laundry hamper

! Throw trash away ! Carry firewood ! Fold washcloths ! Set the table ! Fetch diapers & wipes ! Dust baseboards

Ages 4-5 ! Feed pets ! Wipe up spills ! Put away toys ! Make the bed ! Straighten bedroom ! Water houseplants ! Sort clean silverware ! Prepare simple snacks ! Use hand-held vacuum ! Clear kitchen table ! Dry and put away dishes ! Disinfect doorknobs

Ages 6-7 ! Gather trash ! Fold towels ! Dust mop floors ! Empty dishwasher ! Match clean socks ! Weed garden ! Rake leaves ! Peel potatoes or carrots ! Make salad ! Replace toilet paper roll

Ages 8-9 ! Load dishwasher ! Change light bulbs ! Wash laundry ! Hang/fold clean clothes ! Dust furniture ! Spray off patio ! Put groceries away ! Scramble eggs ! Bake cookies ! Walk dogs ! Sweep porches ! Wipe off table

Ages 10-11 ! Clean bathrooms ! Vacuum rugs ! Clean countertops ! Deep clean kitchen ! Prepare simple meal ! Mow lawn ! Bring in mail ! Do simple mending

(hems, buttons, etc.)

! Sweep out garage

Ages 12 and up ! Mop floors ! Change overhead lights ! Wash/ vacuum car ! Trim hedges ! Paint walls ! Shop for groceries w/list ! Cook complete dinner ! Bake bread or cake ! Do simple home repairs ! Wash windows ! Iron clothes ! Watch younger siblings

Original article and pictures take www.flandersfamily.info site

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