понедельник, 20 апреля 2009 г.

Apple Nachos ~ Quick and Easy!

Apple Nachos ~ Quick and Easy!
Apple Nachos - Easy!

There aren’t even words to describe this treat. But not to worry. I can always come up with plenty of words (just ask my family full of men). Let me see if I can come up with something…

Simple, fast, deliciously sweet, a little bit tart, sticky, drippy, caramely, chocolaty, the perfect fall treat. There.

If you’re questioning whether or not caramely is a word or not, I declare that it definitely is. The dictionary just doesn’t know it yet. Don’t trust everything you don’t read. (I don’t get paid to make sense.) I figure, if chocolaty is a word, caramely should be too. Also, I like to say words that get my point across whether they are real or not. So don’t get all grammary and English languagey on me. After all, you really want to know how to make these Apple Nachos.

How to Make Apple Nachos


Slice apples and lay them on a plate. If you like, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice to keep them from turning brown. Drizzle warm Homemade Caramel Sauce over the apple slices. Sprinkle mini chocolate chips over the warm caramel sauce. Serve immediately.

The result is a chocolaty, caramely plate of amazingness.

apple nachos

I think we can all agree that caramely should be a real adjective found in the dictionary, as should the word soccery. What? I used that word just yesterday to describe how our front closet almost made me pass out. I innocently opened the closet door to throw in a pair of shoes and was met with a blast of stink that is typical in our home during soccer season. Sweaty shin guards and wet soccer cleats, along with all the other gear – ah, the lovely scent of autumn. I threw in the shoes and quickly slammed the door closed proclaiming, “Whoa-oh, gag me. It smells completely soccery in there.” Why take time to say real words in full sentences like, “The inside of this closet appears to be thick with the aroma of unpleasant apparel associated with this particular sport season in which we are all participating.”

No. It just smells soccery. It’s as simple as that. When basketball season comes, the closet will become basketbally. That’s just the truth of it.

I’m suddenly very aware that this is a terrible thing to talk about when writing a food post. I apologize. Sometimes, I get a little too real lifey when I write, forgetting that good food and sweaty footware should never be discussed in the same conversation. How terribly nonproper-ish of me.

I now take your attention back to the wonderful Apple Nachos idea, whose caramely goodness brought us all here to this unlikely point of conversation. Make these Apple Nachos. They’ll make us all use the word caramely so much that the dictionary will have no choice but to include it.

You heard it here first.

Original article and pictures take heavenlyhomemakers.com site

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