среда, 10 июня 2009 г.

Beat the Winter Blues Smoothie.

Beat the Winter Blues Smoothie.

This healthy and delicious smoothie will help you beat the winter blues!

Delicious smoothie recipe that is immune boosting and packed with nutrients!

Here we are, a week into 2015. Did you make any resolutions? Have you kept up with them so far?

I actually did make a few this year. Normally I don’t bother, because it seems like I just forget about them after a couple of weeks. But this year I’m really feeling the need to make some changes. My two big ones are:

1. Move more – it’s freezing here in the winter, and I tend to just want to hide under a blanket and drink tea or cocoa. Not great, since I don’t want to gain 10 pounds.

2. Drink more smoothies. I like to drink smoothies, but sometimes I just grab some toast instead, which leaves me hungry an hour later.

So far, I’ve been keeping up with these resolutions pretty well! I have a third, frivolous resolution, too…watch all the Harry Potter movies again. Who knows when that will happen. Darryl and I rarely have time to sit down and watch a whole movie, so it will probably happen in 30 minute increments here and there. :)

Anyway, back to the smoothies. This is my current favorite smoothie recipe. It’s such a pretty and vibrant color, and it really brightens up grey winter mornings. Berries and pineapple provide lots of fiber and antioxidants, and the mango is high in Vitamins A and C, and is great for your immune system. We all need strong immune systems right now, don’t we? The flu is running rampant here in Michigan right now.

I add chia seeds for extra calcium and iron. I also use calcium fortified orange juice, but you could use water or cranberry juice if you prefer. If you don’t like one of the fruits in this recipe, just substitute something else! You could add strawberries or chopped oranges, or even some kiwi if you wish!

Delicious smoothie recipe that is immune boosting and packed with nutrients!

The other thing that makes me look forward to my smoothie is my glass straw from Strawesome. I don’t know why, but I just really like having my pink glass smoothie straw to drink out of. Silly, right?

A healthy way to start the day! A bright pink smoothie that's packed with nutrition.

Did you make any resolutions? What’s your favorite kind of smoothie?

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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