понедельник, 11 октября 2010 г.

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 99

Clean Eating Weight Loss Meal Plan 99


Toasted Whole Wheat English Muffin, with All Natural Peanut Butter and Raisins. Banana Slices on the Side.

Mid Morning Snack

If you like sweet and crunchy, you'll like these apple chips. Made with real apples and tossed in natural flavors, they're both delectable and healthy. I'll take them over potato chips any day.

Try them at Seneca Apple Crisps.

Avocado Tomato Open Face Sandwich

Even meat lovers will enjoy this all-veggie sandwich. Consisting of whole wheat bread topped with natural Swiss cheese, supple avocado, juicy tomato and fresh basil, it's light, energizing, and delightful in flavor.

The best part, though, is that it's easy to make. You can find recipe at Healthy Lunch Recipe.

Afternoon Snack


Glad I ran into this awesome and easy-to-do salad. Using natural ingredients like sea salt, cold-pressed olive oil and vinegar, this crunchy veggie bowl is full of both nutrition and flavor.

The recipe can be found here. I totally recommend it!

Photo credit goes to www.healthyfoodcorner.com.

Thank you for visiting Clean Eating and Weight Loss Meal Plan again!

Hope you liked today's meal plan, and return for future posts.

Enjoy your day, and enjoy your weekend!




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Original article and pictures take cleaneatingmealplan.blogspot.com site

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