среда, 1 декабря 2010 г.

Creating a Healthy Home

Creating a Healthy Home

In celebration of the Homemaking From Scratch online conference, I’m sharing my Top 3 Homemaking Tips. (Check out Tip #3 here.) Today is Tip #2: Create a healthy home.

If you have a homemaking plan, cleaning most likely is one of the main aspects. But is your method of cleaning safe? Are you creating a healthy home as you clean?

Creating a Healthy Home {AccidentallyGreen.com}

In the U.S., manufacturers are legally allowed to keep the ingredients of their cleaning products (and cosmetics and personal care products) a secret. There’s no telling what they do and don’t add to make their products effective.

How many times, when cleaning your home, do you get:

  • A burning nose or throat?
  • A headache?
  • A little dizzy?

All of those reactions happen when you’re inhaling the poisons from cleaning products. I know all about these reactions, because I had them – before I knew that cleaners were toxic.

Good news

The good news is that you don’t have to use toxic cleaning products.

It’s actually very easy to make the switch to healthy cleaning. Safe alternatives are easy to find, and can be just as effective as the toxic products.

Want to hear more about my family’s journey to healthy cleaning? I’ve shared 45 minutes of it at the online Homemaking From Scratch conference. Conference tickets still are available for $29.95 – you can receive instant access to the conference, and sessions are yours to keep for as long as the Internet exists.

Need some homemaking help?

Other healthy parts of your home

Once you’ve made the switch to safe cleaning products, there are plenty of other ways to make sure you’re creating a healthy home.

Examine your:

  • Diet. What foods and beverages are you bringing into your home after each trip to the grocery store? Will your purchases help your family’s health … or hurt it?
  • Basic necessities. Is the air that you’re breathing in safe or polluted? How about the water that you’re drinking? If you suspect there’s some level of pollution, get tests done and correct the problems.
  • Personal care products. Just like certain cleaning products can harm your health, personal care products can, too. Find out what you should avoid and choose safe alternatives.
  • Media. While it doesn’t affect your physical health, an unhealthy exposure to media can greatly influence your family’s mental and spiritual health. Are you exposed to the right or wrong content through TV, movies, music, video games and the Internet? Make the hard choices to help your family.

Creating a healthy home may not be the easiest or most convenient job for a homemaker – but it certainly is one of the most important jobs. Not only can you be an excellent steward of the family and home God has entrusted you with, but you also can demonstrate your love to yourself and your family by making safe, healthy, and beneficial choices.

For you, what is the hardest part when it comes to creating a healthy home? What’s the easiest?

Disclosure: Purchasing a ticket to the Homemaking From Scratch conference through this post will result in a commission for Accidentally Green. Thank you!

Original article and pictures take accidentallygreen.com site

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