понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.

DIY Decongestant Rub

DIY Decongestant Rub
Make your own decongestant rub with Essential and Coconut oil to get relief from colds, coughs and congestion. The Homesteading Hippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #essentialoils

The cold and flu season is nearing rapidly. If we get a cold where we have stuffy noses, or coughs, I want to be ready.

In the past, I would use the OTC name brand vapor rub to help relieve symptoms.Of course, after learning what the ingredients in the OTC rub were, I wanted to avoid that like the plague. I mean, really, why do you need paint thinner in there?? I figured though, I make other stuff, why not this? So, after a bit of trial and error, I came up with my own diy decongestant rub.

We call this DIY Decongestant Rub “Special Tissue Lotion”

because when my kids were little, and my mother still with us, if they got a stuffy nose, she would put a bunch of vapor rub on a tissue for them to smell the vapors in as they wanted. Ah, memories. This stuff is great because it works just as well, and there is no questionable ingredients.

So, without further ado, here is my DIY Decongestant Rub.

All you need is

1/4 cup Coconut Oil, softened

10 drops lavender oil

10 drops eucalyptus radiata oil

Carefully stir the softened coconut oil with the essential oils until well blended. Store in a container like this or upcycle an old candy tin (like this-which is what I used here.) To use, simply rub 1/2 teaspoon on the chest 2-3 times a day. Even though it’s coconut oil, it’s still fairly easy to get out, even in colder conditions. If you find it’s too hard for you, simply rest the container in a bowl of warm water for a minute or two for easier use. Not for use on children under the age of 2.

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Original article and pictures take thehomesteadinghippy.com site

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