вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.

DIY Hydrating Electrolyte Drink

DIY Hydrating Electrolyte Drink
With time I learned how to stay hydrated but occasionally it's still hard for me to keep enough water in my system, no matter how much I drink. When I'm pregnant, sick, exercising or traveling, I need more than just water. Gatorade was my go-to when I required an extra boost and while it worked, I didn't want to keep putting all those non-real food ingredients into my body, especially when I was growing a baby! So I set out to make my own electrolyte drink - essentially a DIY pedialyte. It's so simple, and works so well!

Baseball field.



London underground.

Budapest airport.

What do these places have in common? I’ve passed out at all of them because of dehydration.

I also passed out at a concert venue that moonlighted as a strip club (I didn’t want my list to look too scandalous). My brother had a hard time convincing the medic stationed there that I was neither high nor drunk, just really thirsty.

Because of my propensity for passing out, I was more than a bit excited when I got my first hot pink Nalgene water bottle when I was a sophomore in high school – I could always have water with me and not look like a total loser. Water bottles were finally trendy!

With time I learned how to stay hydrated but occasionally it’s still hard for me to keep enough water in my system, no matter how much I drink. When I’m pregnant, sick, exercising or traveling, I need more than just water. Gatorade was my go-to when I required an extra boost and while it worked, I didn’t want to keep putting all those non-real food ingredients into my body, especially when I was growing a baby!

So I set out to make my own electrolyte drink – essentially a DIY pedialyte. As it turns out all you really need to add to water to boost your hydration is a bit of real salt, like sea salt or Himalayan pink salt or Redmond Real Salt. The minerals in the salt create the electrical charge that slows the absorption of water into your body and allow it to capture more water before it passes through your system.

Salt + water = hydration. Simple enough, huh?

But, seriously though, who wants to drink salt water? It just doesn’t taste good!

So I added a pinch of Himalayan pink salt to a quart of water, splashed in lemon and lime juice and, for good measure, a scoop of magnesium powder and, voilà!, I wasn’t thirsty anymore.

This electrolyte drink may be used to replace:

  • Sport drinks (like Gatorade) during times of physical exertion
  • Pedialyte when your kids (or you!) are sick
  • Regular water, when you need an extra boost of hydration

You could change out the type of juice depending on your flavor preference or make it even more hydrating by using coconut water – it already has sodium and potassium.

I drink a quart of this every day and two quarts when my body is extra strained. It really helps me to stay hydrated and not feel thirsty. My kids love it, too, and since it’s made with all natural ingredients, I am happy to share!

  • 4 cups water
  • ½ - 1 teaspoon magnesium powder
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advice. The information here is for educational purposes only.

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Original article and pictures take redandhoney.com site

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