вторник, 24 июля 2012 г.

Healthy Soup Recipes for Babies and Toddlers.

Healthy Soup Recipes for Babies and Toddlers.

Two healthy soup recipes for babies and toddlers – these recipes are easy and made from whole foods.

Lately it seems that I am either cooking something or eating something or feeding someone. Which is of course very normal in the life of a mom…especially when you have young children. So I thought I’d share two healthy soup recipes that I make all the time: two simple soups that are healthy and easy to make, and great for older babies and toddlers.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. You should always consult with your pediatrician about your child’s dietary needs. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends starting solids once a baby is about six months old.

Baby Bee wasn’t really into solid foods until he was about a year old. And he really never has been fond of fruit or sweet things yet, but he loves vegetables and beans. I make these soups about once a week. These work well for babies that are ready for something a little bit more than the starter whole foods: banana, avocado, sweet potato, etc.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.

Now for the second soup of the day…

bean soup

Two healthy and easy soups to make for babies and toddlers. Simple, delicious whole foods for growing bodies.

Two books that I highly recommend on the subject of healthy food for babies right from the start are Super Baby Food and The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood: Ten Ways to Get Your Family on the Right Nutritional Track (affiliate links). Both are really good if you are interested in the concept of metabolic programming, which is the idea that starting babies off with excellent nutrition will program their bodies to crave healthy food throughout their lives. The lasting effects of metabolic programming include having children that will naturally gravitate towards good foods that make their bodies healthy and feel good, and stay away from the junk foods that make them feel bad. As Dr. Sears says in The Healthiest Kid in the Neighborhood, “These early good nutritional habits will become so imprinted on their sense of well-being that they are likely to hang on to them for life.”

So that’s what I try to do with the food my children eat, especially in the early years. Yes, now that my first born is older, he has some treats now and then. But he doesn’t give me a hard time about eating vegetables or good food at all. We never do artificial colors or high fructose corn syrup. But even with other treats, there have even been occasions when he has had too much sugar, and even reported to me that he doesn’t feel good. So I believe that metabolic programming works.

I hope you enjoy these healthy soup recipes for babies and children! They are a favorite in our family.

What were your babies and toddlers favorite first foods? Have you tried metabolic programming in your family?

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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