I managed cut my grocery bill in half using a combination of strategic grocery shopping, meal planning & couponing methods. And now, I'm on a mission to help you cut your grocery spending in half with my one-of-a-kind 10-Week Grocery Budget Makeover online class. I've pulled all my years of savvy grocery planning and shopping into a step-by-step program that will flip turn upside-down the way you grocery shop...forever! You ready to stop overspending on groceries?
The Grocery Budget Makeover is only open for registration 3 times each year. Our class and community go through the videos and worksheets together, hold each other accountable to our goals, and share wins and savings victories each week. If you'd like to join the next class, be sure to visit the site and let me know you're interested!
"I am all about trying to be organized and wanted something beyond what you offer on $5 Dinners. The most valuable thing I learned is planning your meals ahead of time and not going to the grocery store on the fly. I love all the different ways to make your shopping list too. I don’t have 5 hours a week to plan my shopping list and menus, so the efficiency I learned was really helpful. It’s worth the investment because you will learn how to do things more efficiently, starting from the very beginning of the process.” ~ Melanie
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