среда, 14 августа 2013 г.

How to Make Comfrey Salve For Bumps, Bruises, Broken Bones

How to Make Comfrey Salve For Bumps, Bruises, Broken Bones

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Comfrey is an amazing herb. This comfrey salve is a must have for your home herbal apothecary.

Comfrey is known to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant properties. It is also known as one of the herbs to heal broken bones.

Comfrey known as one of the herbs to heal broken bones. This comfrey salve is a must have for your home herbal apothecary. The Homesteading Hippy

I like to have this salve to use on bumps and bruises. Comfrey root salve has been shown to be a bone knit herbal remedy. Comfrey bone healing research shows it helps reduce the time in healing. With kids in taekwondo, and a busy homestead, broken bones, bumps and bruises happen on a regular basis around here.

I usually make a batch of this every 3 months or so in order to keep up with demand. You only need some dried comfrey, which you can find at my affiliate partner, and some carrier oil. I used fractionated coconut oil (find it here), but you can use almond, jojoba, hemp seed, or even olive oil for this.

What you will need to make this comfrey salve:

Place about the dried comfrey into a clean glass jar.

You can use a canning jar, or any other glass container you have. Glass is the best choice due to the heat and the oils.

Cover the herbs with the oil. In a heavy bottomed pot, add enough water to come up on the sides of the jar. You want the water to be the same level as the oil in the jar. Do not allow the water to get into the jar. Heat the water to a simmer, then turn the heat down. You will want the water to be at a “just simmering” level, not boiling.

Using a towel or trivet, place the jar of herbs and oils into the water. Cover the jar loosely with a lid to keep the herbs oils in place. Keep in the simmering water for 45 minutes.

Don’t allow the oil to get too hot. I use a thermometer to make sure it stays under 100°. If necessary, turn the heat down lower. Allow to cool completely.

For a double infused oil, drain the oil from the herbs. Since the herbs were in oil, they are not good to add to your compost. The oil may not break down. Toss the used herbs in the garbage instead. Weigh out new herbs. Add the new herbs to the infused oil. Place back in simmering water for another 45 minutes. Double infused oil would be most often used for helping broken bones heal.

Drain the herbs from the oil using strainer or cheesecloth.

Carefully press down on the herbs to ensure all the goodness is drained out of it.

Put the infused oil back in barely simmering water and add the beeswax. Allow to slowly melt together. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely before use. Label and store in a cool, dry place. Use within 6 months.

For a fresh comfrey salve recipe:

  • pick your comfrey herbs
  • place in a 200 degree oven for 4-6 hours to allow to dry
  • remove from oven, weigh out
  • follow directions for dried comfrey salve

You want to allow the herbs to dry to remove as much water as possible. The water may cause mold or quicker spoilage of your comfrey herb salve.

To use, simply apply a thin layer to bruises, sprains or broken bones.

Use about a quarter sized amount each time. You can apply this 3-4 times day to help promote healing. Obviously, you can’t remove any cast, but you gently rub under the cast as best as possible.

You DO NOT want to use this on open skin. This may irritate the skin. This comfrey salve is only for surface wounds that are closed like bruises, sprains, and broken bones.

What would you use this comfrey salve for? Be sure to pin this for later!

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Original article and pictures take thehomesteadinghippy.com site

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