четверг, 7 ноября 2013 г.

How to make your own deodorant.

How to make your own deodorant.

How to make your own deodorant – this recipe is all natural and very easy to follow!

how to make deodorant

Okay, so I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that this may be the most life-changing thing you ever read on this blog. Or maybe it won’t be, because maybe you already know this, but…you can MAKE your own deodorant. And it works. Really well.

I have tried sooooo many different all natural deodorants over the years: Tom’s, JASON, Origins, more Tom’s…the list goes on. And they would work for a while, and then stop working. Or it would work just great for normal situations, and then I would have a solo performance or some stressful situation, and it would so NOT work. Yuck.

One day I asked my friend what deodorant she used, and she said, I actually started making my own last month, and I love it. Now, I had heard about people mixing coconut oil and baking soda together and using that, but she was using an actual recipe and putting it in actual deodorant tubes.

For some reason this sounded a lot more civilized to me, so I order my tubes, and headed to Whole Foods to get my ingredients. There are a lot of recipes for deodorant on the web, and I read through quite a few before deciding to go with this one, with a couple of slight modifications.

All natural deodorant recipe

How to make your own deodorant:

Ingredients (affiliate links included)

3 Tablespoons shea butter

3 Tablespoons baking soda

2 Tablespoons arrowroot powder

2 Tablespoons cocoa butter

2 vitamin E oil gel caps (puncture and squeeze out the oil)

7 drops of lavender essential oil

free essential oil ebook

  1. Place the shea butter and the cocoa butter in a glass bowl and microwave for about 30 seconds until melted.
  2. Stir in the arrowroot powder and baking soda. Add the oils and stir again.
  3. Use a small measuring cup or small ladle to pour into a deodorant tube. This recipe will almost overfill the one tube, be careful! Let it solidify at room temperature, or if it’s a hot day, in the refrigerator.

Once solid, you can use it! I am amazed at how well this deodorant works for me. I have been using it for about six weeks and it’s amazing. Now if it’s hot outside, I do still sweat, but there is no odor whatsoever. I’ve even road tested it in a couple of stressful situations and it works very well! I chose to use arrowroot instead of cornstarch because I had read that for some reason it works better than corn starch, plus we do still avoid corn most of the time, so I had a bag of arrowroot on hand.

Anyway, I’m so happy with how this turned out, and it makes me want to make more of my own body products! How great is it to know exactly what you are putting on your body because you made it yourself! Lip balm is next on the list, then maybe lotion. Do you make any of your own bath and body products? Or, have you found a natural deodorant that works for you?

Original article and pictures take i0.wp.com site

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