воскресенье, 2 марта 2014 г.

How to Use Essential Oils to Stay Healthy This Winter

How to Use Essential Oils to Stay Healthy This Winter

With winter comes the onslaught of coughs, colds, and more…but does it have to be this way? Here are ways to use essential oils to stay healthy this winter…and beyond!

Note from Ann: We’re diving into the “sick” time of year, and I’m so grateful that Dr. Julie Bates is here with her tips for how to use essential oils to stay healthy. Though I like to think I know a lot about this, I’m taking notes and grateful for her guidance! Enjoy…and be sure to chime in with YOUR favorite ways to use oils to stay healthy!

So…how do you weather the winter months?

I meet so many people in my practice and my natural solutions classes and I hear people accept sickness in their life. They say:

“Every year I am going to have two sinus infections. That’s just the way it is.”

“Janie is sick at least once a month. We just go get our antibiotics. That’s just the way it is.”

“This time of year, everyone has the flu. Once we get it, my whole family will get it. That’s just the way it is.”

That’s just the way it is? Why? Why does it have to be that way?

Sick is NOT just the way it has to be, even in the winter months. Here are ways to use essential oils to stay healthy...and be sure to share YOUR favorites too!

I have a kiddo who started getting a cough every February. The first year, we did two antibiotics, a chest x-ray, a whooping cough test, and blood tests, and still she coughed for six weeks.

During our vacation to Disney, I had to find a pharmacy to refill a prescription in Florida! That is not the way I want her to live!

So the next year, I needed another option. In my house, that meant natural options so I began researching. Essential oils came into our lives during that year, we started chiropractic care, and I changed her diet.

I looked at the impact of sugar and glutens on her skin and her respiratory function. I added a probiotic that didn’t seem to help and then I found a better one this year that has made a world of difference.

Our second February, she coughed for around three weeks. Our doctor said she was doing so much better, the only thing she recommended was something for seasonal irritants. I added more oils. And then this past February, she coughed for maybe three days and we were past it.

Sick is not “just the way it is.”

We have to be active in our healthcare.

We have to go out and create health, not wait to react to health.

Our physical state and our emotional state work in tandem, so an insult to one will impact the other. Looking at how our emotions impact our health is an entirely different topic, so for now, I want to focus on building our immune system.

In my household, there are a lot of pieces to this puzzle: healthy eating, good sleeping habits, chiropractic care, emotional support, and essential oils.

Sick is NOT just the way it has to be, even in the winter months. Here are ways to use essential oils to stay healthy...and be sure to share YOUR favorites too!
Here’s how I use essential oils to stay healthy:

  • For day-to-day immune support, my kiddos take beadlets with oils in them to support immune function.
  • I put a protective blend of cinnamon, eucalyptus, wild orange, clove, and rosemary in the diffuser every night.
  • When their systems are drooping, I put it on topically as well.
  • If they start to feel peaked, I look at what oils can help them physically, but I also look at possible emotional causes.

Here are some additional ways to use essential oils for immune support.

Lemon Essential Oil

The essential oil derived from a lemon has incredible detoxifying effects on the body. Add a little to your glass of water each morning to help cleanse and clear out the blood, and rid the body of toxic buildup.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender can help support better sleep, which in turn will allow your body to heal and restore. Diffusing the oil in your bedroom or putting a little on your feet will help support you with an overall sense of well-being.

Frankincense Essential Oil

Frankincense is a great oil for helping the body repair itself on the cellular level. Simply apply Frankincense to the skin wherever the problem is to enable it to get to work at boosting the immune system and supporting the system of the body that is struggling. For example, if you have a cough, apply it to your chest.

Sick is NOT just the way it has to be, even in the winter months. Here are ways to use essential oils to stay healthy...and be sure to share YOUR favorites too!
A few more tips to consider with essential oils:


Run a diffuser in your office to protect your immune system. I gave a diffuser with the protective blend to my school secretary. She says it has been life-changing. After all, EVERY sick kid in the school goes through the office!

Take them with you!

Grab a roller bottle and put your favorite oils in it and carry it with you. Apply for emotional boosting as needed. Roll on other people too if they are having a come apart! (I have a recipe for a spray mix I call “Ditch the Witch” posted on my Facebook)

Hand sanitize!

Make your own hand sanitizer spray. It will be so much better than the chemical stuff and will give you protection wherever you go.


Get an oils coach. There is always more to learn and a coach will help you find the right options for your family. I’d love to be your coach!

Sick is NOT just the way it has to be, even in the winter months. Here are ways to use essential oils to stay healthy...and be sure to share YOUR favorites too!
Join my essential oils webinars.

In the next week, I will be starting a regular webinar to talk more about using oils for emotional concerns. If you would like updates about upcoming events, register by clicking here.

If you would like to know more about my specific regimes, send me an email at Julie@drjuliebates.com I would love to help you get started with proactive solutions in your home too.

HEALTH is the way it is meant to be!

What are your favorite ways to use essential oils for health?

Up Next:

Ann Timm considers herself blessed to be the wife of a Christ follower and mother to six amazingly cool kids. She strives to keep a happy, healthy home, although she openly admits to failing often. She loves to share her foibles and encourage other women on their journey to healthy living.

More posts by Ann Timm

Original article and pictures take keeperofthehome.org site

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