четверг, 17 июля 2014 г.

Kid-Friendly Ways to Use Herbs

Kid-Friendly Ways to Use Herbs

Let’s face it, kids can be picky. (Well, if I am going to be perfectly honest, I know a lot of adults that are just as picky. ) Part of the pickyness seems to really kick in when it comes to something that is “good for you.” I’ve seen it happen over and over again, a parent says the dreaded words, “Here, take this, it’s good for you,” and the kid is in meltdown mode.

That is one of the many reasons I love to use herbs for my kids. It is very easy to make something fun and tasty that your kids will enjoy with herbs. They most likely will not even realize it is good for them.

Kid friendly ways to use herbs
Herbs are very healthy for you, but often kids throw a fit about stuff that's "good for you." Here are six ways to get your kids to eat more herbs. https://www.intoxicatedonlife.com/2014/12/28/kid-friendly-ways-use-herbs/

It takes a bit of creativity but it is worth it to get those little bodies healthy and strong. Here are my favorites kid friendly ways to use herbs.

Herbal Teas:

Herbal teas are one of the easiest ways to get kids to take herbs. They are easy to prepare and when you add a spoonful of raw honey, it is just the right sweetness for kids.

If the herb you are going to use is a bit bitter, no problem, add another stronger flavored herb to help mute the bitter. Mint and ginger are favorites on mine to help over ride the flavor of other not so nice herbs. (Plus, mint often helps activate the other herbs making them all work better.)

Loose herbs are my favorite as I can make my own blend but there are some great kid friendly teas in already made packages. This is easy to grab during illness, when you want to boost the immune system or when someone needs a soothing drink before bed.


How do you connect herbs with Popsicles? Easy peasy, just make some herbal tea, sweeten with honey and put in Popsicle molds. My kids love them.

If you want to get a bit more creative, blend up fruit with powdered herbs, add a touch of water and freeze for Popsicles. These make a great treat.


Gummies sound complicated, but they are really easy to make. You can make an herbal tea as a base or add powdered herbs to juice to make them. It makes for nutrient packed treat with the herbs alone, but gelatin adds it’s own benefits.

If you make elderberry syrup for your kids, that also makes a great base for gummies. My kids love these elderberry syrup gummies.


Yes, soups are a great way to get healthy herbs in. Chicken soup is a great base for adding garlic, onions, bay leaves and then you can add some astragulus, nettle, turmeric and any other nutrient dense herbs to the brew. My kids have never noticed that when we are sick that I throw as many herbs in my broth as I can get away with. (Make sure you test flavor as you go along!)

Kid friendly ways to use herbs
Herbs are very healthy for you, but often kids throw a fit about stuff that's "good for you." Here are six ways to get your kids to eat more herbs. https://www.intoxicatedonlife.com/2014/12/28/kid-friendly-ways-use-herbs/

Syrups and tinctures:

This is my hands-down favorite way to make herbs taste great for kids. Tinctures made with glycerin are sweet and will have your kids asking for more! (If you’ve never made a tincture before, don’t worry it’s easy, just follow these simple steps.)

Syrups are quicker and don’t have the same shelf life as a tincture but work very well. We use this vitamin C syrup through out the winter.

Powdered herbs with honey:

And my last resort, if I need something to go in quick, I mix up powdered herbs in a spoon full of honey. Just like Mary Poppin’s said, “Just a spoon full of sugar, helps the medicine go down!” It works. Other than raw honey is much better for you than sugar.

Keeping those little bodies healthy isn’t always and easy job, but these tricks can cut down on the stress. In fact, that can make taking herbs be fun!

Tell me what you keep up your sleeve to help your kids with taking herb?

Original article and pictures take www.intoxicatedonlife.com site

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