понедельник, 17 ноября 2014 г.

Mini oatmeal raisin baby muffins

Mini oatmeal raisin baby muffins

Naturally sweetened whole grain oatmeal raisin mini breakfast muffins are perfect for little ones!

Naturally sweetened whole grain oatmeal raisin mini breakfast muffins - great for toddlers and kids! | FamilyFoodontheTable.com

I’m at that stage of my life where we now have play date parties. I have girls nights out and whatnot, but when it’s a group get together, it’s almost always kid-focused. Play dates or baby showers or birthday parties.

And while at times I miss some of the fun we all had pre-kids, I’m actually fine with it. It’s cool to see people you’ve known forever become parents and then get to watch them with their little ones. A whole new side of us opens up, I feel like.

Also, when we get enough people together, the kids tend to take care of themselves. We had some of my high school friends over last month and we all sat in the kitchen, sipping mimosas, as the kids explored the toys in the living room.

Oatmeal raisin mini muffins - a great healthy breakfast or snack! | FamilyFoodontheTable.com

I made these little mini muffins and set out some fruit for all the little ones to snack on. Mine, of course, couldn’t wait for the party to sample the goods.

They saw these breakfast muffins the day before when I baked them. I told them they weren’t ready yet – they were for the party the next morning.

So ALL morning long while we were playing and trying to not wreck the house before everyone arrived, they kept asking if it was time to try one. It was funny in a diabolical way to keep saying no. They were trying so hard to be patient.

Naturally sweetened whole grain oatmeal raisin mini breakfast muffins - great for toddlers and kids! | FamilyFoodontheTable.com

Finally, I caved and let them sneak one before everyone arrived. Then I let them each have two more at the party. My husband later told me that J got an additional two after that. Somehow he still managed to eat all of his lunch. Ah, those little growing boys…

I found myself popping a couple of these as well throughout the day. They are just barely sweet but have great flavor from the raisins and the maple syrup combination. If you are making these for older kids or adults, you may want to increase the maple syrup to 1/3 cup to make them a bit sweeter.

And you can definitely sub honey, but I use maple syrup so they are safe for babies under age 1. Fun little finger food!

Naturally sweetened whole grain oatmeal raisin mini breakfast muffins - great for toddlers and kids! | FamilyFoodontheTable.com

We’ve actually got that same group coming over again this weekend for a Valentine’s Day morning play date, which is what reminded me of these little breakfast muffins. Might have to whip up another batch and watch my kids wiggle as they wait. ��

Wishing you a happy weekend and a Valentine’s Day full of love!

Original article and pictures take www.familyfoodonthetable.com site

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