понедельник, 12 января 2015 г.

Natural Remedies For Strep Throat

Natural Remedies For Strep Throat

By Jill, Contributing Writer

Strep throat plagued me as a child; I had it so often that the doctor began the talk about taking my tonsils out. I took antibiotic after antibiotic to kill this bacteria.

Unfortunately we did not know at the time what the dangers were of taking antibiotics repeatedly, nor did we know there was anything natural that could work. Circumstances would have it that we moved shortly after to an area that did not have so many cases of strep floating around, so my tonsils are still intact! ��

I have had a few people speak to me of the dangers of having strep throat and treating it at home. While I don’t take any sickness lightly, I do believe that strep can be healed naturally and effectively with healing herbs. I have seen this happen time and again. Antibiotics can shorten the course of strep, BUT they also great increase the likelihood that strep will come back all winter long (which is probably why I had strep all winter for more than one year as a child).

Antibiotics kill the strep, but they also work against our natural antibodies. Using nourishing herbs to fight a sickness causes our bodies to create its own antibodies, which will help us fight the sickness the rest of the year without compromising our health.

Dr. Christopher Strep Blend

Dr. Christopher Strep Blend is very effective. This remedy has worked wonderfully for more than one person that I’ve recommended it to.


Throat and Tonsil Tincture

Mix 2 droppers of this tincture with 4 droppers of water. Gargle and swallow every hour. For a smaller child, mix 1 dropper of tincture with 3 droppers of water and administer hourly.

Have you successfully treated strep throat at home? What remedy did you use?

Original article and pictures take www.modernalternativehealth.com site

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