понедельник, 19 января 2015 г.

Natural Remedy to Heal an Ear Ache in 30 Minutes or Less

Natural Remedy to Heal an Ear Ache in 30 Minutes or Less
Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Grant your family fast relief from ear aches with three simple ingredients!

This is a guest post from Sarah of Early Bird Mom, sharing her ear ache remedy.

My toddler woke up screaming last night just after 10pm, which was very unusual for him.

At first I thought his brother in the bed next to him had just made a noise and woken him up. But when William awoke again at 12, 4am and 5am for good, it was clear that he was sick. Poor baby his nose was running like a faucet and he was super-clingy. My plans for an early morning quiet time were scrapped.

A dose of Ibuprofen helped a bit but when he wouldn’t stop screaming later in the morning, I worried about ear infection. My oldest son used to get frequent ear infections and he ended up with ear tubes to help clear things up. Since switching to a more real food diet, my kids are sick much less, but it looked like this time, we had not escaped.

I hoped to avoid having to take my little one to the doctor who would surely prescribe antibiotics, so I quickly whipped up a batch of garlic mullein ear ache oil. (Yes, I’m weird in that I actually have mullein on hand). I had used this oil last year as a quick cure for ear pain in my 8 year old. The garlic in the oil is anti-bacterial and the mullein treats the inflammation and swelling. One of my favorite things about this oil is that it stops the pain so fast in just a few minutes, as opposed to waiting 24 hours for antibiotics to take effect.

It took just a few minutes to assemble the recipe and I let it simmer for a half an hour before taking a couple drops for William’s ears. He didn’t like the feeling of having the drops trickle into his ears but it seemed to help pretty quickly. I gave him a couple more doses of the drops during the day. His night was much better than the night before and he hasn’t been fussy at all today.

He still has a runny nose but his ear pain is gone I’m so grateful for this easy treatment.

You can buy garlic mullein drops but they can be pricey. It’s so easy to put together a batch at home.

Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Grant your family fast relief from ear aches with three simple ingredients!

Recipe: Garlic Mullein Ear Drops, for Ear Ache Relief


  • 3-4 cloves raw garlic, crushed
  • 1/4-1/2 c. dried mullein (I got mine from Mountain Rose Herbs (Link Removed))
  • cover with olive oil


Combine all ingredients in a small sauce pan and simmer on very low for at least 30 minutes, up to several hours. Be careful not to let the herb burn. Strain and decant into a dropper bottle.

To use: Warm the bottle by putting it into a cup of hot water for a couple minutes (optional). Put a couple drops into affected ear as needed for pain. Warning: do not use in an ear that is draining or if you suspect a perforated eardrum.

Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.

A small bottle will go a long way so you may find that you have way more oil than you need. In that case, you can do what I did and give some away to friends. They will surely be happy to have them for those middle-of-the-night ear aches.

Thanks, Sarah, for sharing your wisdom! I’ve never made this ear oil exactly, but I shared another ear infection story including garlic oil and a new one on antibiotics and natural remedies

It’s Natural Health Month at KS! See all the month’s posts HERE.

Other Natural Health Posts at KS

Natural Home Remedy to Relieve Earaches in 30 Minutes or Less (Garlic Mullein ear oil). Heal an earache in 30 minutes or less with this home remedy, perfectly natural, safe for kids or adults.
Grant your family fast relief from ear aches with three simple ingredients!

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post to Amazon and Mountain Rose Herbs from which I will earn some commission if you make a purchase. See my full disclosure statement here.

Original article and pictures take www.kitchenstewardship.com site

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