понедельник, 2 марта 2015 г.

No, We Don’t “Owe” Society Protection By Vaccinating

No, We Don’t “Owe” Society Protection By Vaccinating

I’m trying not to talk about vaccines too much, because I know it’s a very controversial topic. I’m not very happy about what went down in California yesterday, though, and I feel the need to speak out.

If you haven’t heard, SB277, a bill that would remove all vaccine exemptions (except medical, which would be hard to get) passed the first committee — the Health committee. To actually become law, it would need to pass two more committees and then be brought up for a full vote and signed into law. There are many more steps before the bill is a serious threat.

Still, most similar bills have been killed before ever getting out of committee. This is the first one to actually pass a committee and make any progress. Opponents are understandably infuriated — and scared.

Yesterday, the hearing was streamed live. Of those who testified, the majority were against the bill. Despite the overwhelming public opposition, the bill passed. That is why people are so angry.

The crux of this issue is one of personal freedom. Do we have the right to choose what goes into our bodies, or our children’s bodies? Or do we “owe” it to society to vaccinate to protect others?

I’ve skirted this issue for awhile now, but I feel I, and others, have been pushed and pushed on this point. It’s time to just say it straight up: no, I don’t have a responsibility to protect others by vaccinating.

What About the Vulnerable?

I know that’s a tough position to take but it’s true. And it’s time it was said.

I feel bad for families whose kids are medically fragile. I do. But frankly, a lot of the families I know with medically fragile kids were injured by vaccines. Some are fragile due to auto- immune conditions or cancer. It varies.

Those families go through hell everyday, trying to protect their children and keep them healthy and safe. I don’t envy them that at all. And I don’t blame them for wanting to do whatever it takes to keep their children safe.

But I draw the line when they come to me and say, “We’re going to force you to take a risk with your child’s health in case it might protect our child’s health some day.”


No, your child isn’t more important than mine — to me. No child is ultimately more important than another, except to their own parents. But that’s why no one can decide for all children what the “right” answer is. If I’ve reviewed my child’s health history, read endless studies about vaccines, and have come to the conclusion that this medical procedure is not in my child’s best interests, then you have no right to tell me that I have to do it anyway — to protect your child. That’s asking me to sacrifice mine for yours, and I won’t.

The sad truth is, some people will always be vulnerable. Vulnerable to infection, or vulnerable to vaccine damage. Who decides which of these vulnerable children will get sacrificed? Some will, regardless of the answer.

It’s not for anyone to decide. It’s for families to decide. It’s for families to take precautions that keep their children safe — by keeping them home, giving them medication, avoiding (or receiving) vaccines, or whatever they deem appropriate. But they don’t have the right to expect everyone around their children to work to keep them safe.

When we go out in public, we don’t have the right to expect that people will not be sick. Plenty of people go out when they shouldn’t. We don’t have the right to assume that no one will be distracted while driving. We simply don’t have the right to assume that others will behave in a manner that protects our safety and our interests when we are in public. That’s because every person has a different opinion about the best course of action in most situations, and different peoples’ opinions may conflict with each other.

I can’t, and won’t, sacrifice my children because others believe they know better than I do. And I don’t feel that anyone should even ask that of me. It’s selfish to say that I “owe” you my children.


There is still time to stop SB277, although the fight has certainly heated up.

Contact your representatives NOW. Let them know how strongly you oppose this bill. And remember, it doesn’t matter if you believe in vaccines, for your family. This bill would require every single vaccine on the CDC schedule as written — no delaying. You could not skip Hep B at birth. You could not skip the flu shot. You could not skip the chicken pox shot. You could not skip Gardasil. You could not skip any new shots that will be added to the schedule in the future. You would be required to be 100% up to date on whatever the CDC and government decide you and/or your child needs, now and in the future. Even if you believe in vaccines, you should oppose such a heavy-handed measure.

If you are not in California, that doesn’t mean that the fight isn’t on. Write to your state representatives and let them know how strongly you would oppose such a measure coming to your state. Do it now, so that hopefully they’ll think twice before even introducing such a bill. Make sure you are respectful in your approach (being harsh will not help your case), but make your point clear.

At this point in time, there is a small number of people who very vocally support these bills. They listen to the true testimony of people who are struggling with their vaccine-injured children (who would likely not qualify for medical exemptions), and say that they are lying or fear-mongering. They will do anything to force their will on others.

Don’t let them win. Stand up for your rights. Your human rights, to decide what goes into your body and what medical procedures you want to accept or deny. It is a basic right to have informed consent for medical procedures with the ability to reject anything you don’t want. Don’t let that change now.

**Due to the sensitive nature of this topic, rude/harsh comments will not be published.**

How do you feel about the fight to keep exemptions?

Vaccine guide ck

Original article and pictures take modernalternativehealth.com site

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