пятница, 13 мая 2016 г.

Tandem Nursing Your Infant & Toddler

Tandem Nursing Your Infant & Toddler

From the very first time I was at a La Leche League meeting and encountered a mother who was tandem nursing her toddler and infant, I knew it was something I wanted for my children someday.

Tandem Nursing Your Infant & Toddler- 4 Questions Answered
Tandem Nursing Your Infant Toddler 4 Questions Answered

My oldest was only four months old at the time, but the adoration these two young siblings had for one another was so beautiful and sweet. I knew I wanted that for my children someday. I was thankful that my first daughter was still nursing when I became pregnant with her sister. She was two-and-a-half when our second was born. We tandem nursed for two more years and it was an amazing bonding experience for the girls.

There were some questions I was asked frequently by curious family members and friends.

Tandem Nursing: Question 1

One question I was asked many times was, “Doesn’t the toddler drink all the baby’s milk?” Our amazing bodies were designed to make as much milk as our children demand. Unless you have an extenuating circumstance and a history of low supply, your body will make enough milk for both of your babies without concern that the newborn will not be getting enough.

Tandem Nursing: Question 2

Many people wondered whether I made “toddler” milk or “baby” milk. It is pretty well known that breastmilk changes as our babies grow. What does that mean for those who have babies of two different ages nursing? Our bodies make milk specific in nutrients for the youngest baby. Typically when we’re nursing an older child they are eating solid food in addition to breastmilk to cover any gaps from the “younger” milk.

Tandem Nursing: Question 3

Navigating the Booby Trap: Breastfeeding & Beyond - Breastfeeding series @ Intoxicatedonlife.com (25 authors, 40+ posts)
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Several people wondered if I fed one child, then the other. Many moms choose to do this. Sometimes, I nursed them together and sometimes I nursed them separately.

A follow-up question to this was often how do I fit a toddler and newborn on my lap together. Every mom has to work this out for herself and find her most comfortable configuration.

  • One of my favorite ways to tandem nurse were to put my toddler on my lap in the cradle position then to lay the newborn in her lap in the football position. I was able to hold her head and help her latch on and they were able to snuggle and bond.
  • The other way that worked well for us was to put both of the girls in the football position. When they lay like this they held hands and were able to look at one another.

Tandem Nursing: Question 4

I’ve heard people wondering about their toddler being gentle with the baby during tandem nursing. During pregnancy, I ended the nursing gymnastics due to nipple tenderness. By the time baby was born, my toddler knew to be still if she wanted to continue nursing. If she was less than gentle during nursing sessions, I stopped nursing her and finished nursing the baby.

Overcoming Tandem Nursing Problems

We didn’t have any issues until our baby became six months old and began to poke her older sister in the hair and pull her hair. At this point, I stopped nursing them at the same time and began nursing one then the other, preferring to nurse baby first then toddler since my oldest was eating plenty of solids and my baby was not yet eating any. If gentleness is an issue with your children, it can be preferable to alternately nurse.

Some moms prefer to nurse one at a time while others feel this leads to nothing but nursing all day. As with all things, it is important to find what works best for you and your nurslings. If you are feeling overwhelmed, there are different ways to alleviate many of the issues that may arise such as limiting the number of times per day your toddler nurses or changing positions.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to tandem nurse my girls. Their relationship is very strong. My youngest has always looked to her sister for comfort if I couldn’t get to her as quickly as I would have liked. They are best friends and thoroughly enjoy one another. This, for my family, has been the greatest benefit of tandem nursing.

Megan Rabideau lives with her husband, Don, and their two daughters, Lydia and Charlotte. She is a certified childbirth educator. She enjoys crocheting and sewing in her free time.

Original article and pictures take www.intoxicatedonlife.com site

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