четверг, 7 июля 2016 г.

The Best Way to Learn about Essential Oils

The Best Way to Learn about Essential Oils

Essential oils have hit the internet by storm–although they have been around for centuries! Check out the best way to learn about essential oils–and how to avoid misinformation!

Essential oils have hit the internet by storm--although they have been around for centuries! Check out the best way to learn about essential oils--and how to avoid misinformation!

I’ve personally been using essential oils for about five years. My doula introduced them to me during my second pregnancy and asked if I wanted to use them in labor.

I began with using lavender for relaxation, and I was hooked.

At the time, barely any of my friends were using essential oils or even knew what they were!

Educated yourself with the Herbs and Essential Oils Super BundleHerbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle!

Fast forward half a decade, and now everywhere I turn people–women in particular–are not only using essential oils and touting their benefits, but they are also selling them and educating others on their many uses.

The brakes need to stop right there.

Although I see nothing wrong with sharing how essential oils have helped you, I do think it’s wise to exercise caution with essential oil use and advice giving.

I believe there are far too many self-proclaimed experts doling out advice when the real experts–the certified aromatherapists–go ignored.

essential oil and lavender flowers

No matter the topic, whether you hear me speak at an event or read a blog post I have published, I encourage you to do your own homework by going straight to the experts themselves.

I would encourage you to do this with anyone who gives out advice of any kind.

Let’s take a look at who not to rely on for proper essential oils education–and then dive into a few recommendations of where to get some expert advice and training in essential oils usage.

Where NOT To Learn about Essential Oils

1. Blogs

This might sound ironic, considering that I am a blogger, but you might notice that I very rarely make claims on absolutes when it comes to health.

My college degree is in journalism, so I most often take the route of telling you what has worked for me, and giving you sources of where I found that information, to start you on your own educational journey.

If a blogger has no certification of credentials in aromatherapy yet is claiming authority in giving advice on essential oils usage, be wary.

2. Natural Mom Forums/Facebook Groups

I’m part of a “Crunchy Christian Mamas” group for naturally-minded moms in my area.

Essential oils are often a topic that comes up, and, as the group moderator, there are times when I’ve had to play the devil’s advocate and be the unpopular one (i.e. make people mad at me!) when it’s come to giving out advice on essential oils.

These forums are great for making friends and discovering what other moms do, but always take the advice given as a starting point to…you guessed it, do your own research.


image by pixabay.com

3. Essential Oils Distributors/Direct Sales People

I’m probably going to step on a few toes with this one, but it needs to be said: Don’t take your advice on how to use a product from someone who is trying to sell you that product.

Does that mean that every essential oils salesperson is shady and just out there to rob you of your hard-earned money?

Absolutely not!

I have many personal friends–good friends–who sell essential oils. Most of them get into direct sales of oils because they are passionate about the product and have seen them change their lives.

But exercise caution when distributors “prescribe” certain oils for your ailments and tell you how to use them. Many of these are not trained aromatherapists.

Instead of taking their word as gospel truth, use their suggestions as, once again, a starting point.

Ask them where they get their educational materials, too. If they are only using materials written and published by the oils brand they are distributing, that can be a red flag as well.


Where to Learn About Essential Oils

Certified Aromatherapists

Yes, this is my only recommendation! Does that mean you have to go out and spend the big bucks on your own personal aromatherapist?

Absolutely not!

Thankfully, many aromatherapists have written books and have put together courses for regular, ‘ol mamas like you and me to learn the ropes of how to safely use essential oils in our homes.

Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle

Do you want to learn more (much more!) about using essential oils and herbs in your home? The Herbs and Essential Oils Super Bundle is available for 6 days only! It includes $400 worth of handpicked resources for a whopping 92% off! Learn all about the bundle and see what’s included HERE.

But hurry! The sale expires on May 22nd!

Three resources I especially appreciate are:

Child harvesting lavender

Essential Oils for Families eCourse

by Certified Aromatherapist Jessie Hawkins of Vintage Remedies

$135 value

Learn to use essential oils for your whole family in a manner that is both safe, effective and based on sound science!

How to Protect Your Family from Colds and Flu Using Essential Oils

How to Protect Your Family from Colds and Flu Using Essential Oils

by Certified Aromatherapist Andrea Butje of Aromahead Institute

$50 value

Learn which essential oils can help you prevent or recover from respiratory infections, why the oils work, and how to use them in this comprehensive, three-hour study.

The Truth About Using Essential Oils Safely

The Truth about Using Essential Oil Safety

by Certified Aromatherapist Lea Harris, of Learning about EOs

$9.99 value

Sort through the fact and fiction of using essential oils safely and effectively with this guide from certified aromatherapist Lea Harris.

In addition to her book, one free aromatherapist site, that I recommend is LearningaboutEOs.com, run by certified aromatherapist Lea Harris.

Do you enjoy learning about essential oils? Where have you learned about essential oils?

Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Thank you for supporting my site!

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

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