понедельник, 13 февраля 2017 г.

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie

A nutrient dense, ultimate superfood pregnancy smoothie with organic berries, greens, flax hemp meal and almond milk. Perfect for the first trimester when you’re nauseous and can’t keep anything down, for the second and third trimester when you feel like you’re starving and want a healthy meal, and for postpartum when breastfeeding.

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie - a superfood pregnancy smoothie with everything you and your growing baby need
Look at me all 6 months pregnant! And drinking my ultimate superfood pregnancy smoothie.

You guys, I drink this smoothie every. single. day.

I never fully understood the meaning of “hangry” until I was in my 2nd trimester of pregnancy. My first trimester I had barely any appetite at all. Eating was a chore. Which was crazy because, hello, I love food. Most days I would just eat cereal, crackers, and this smoothie.

But around 16 or 17 weeks, I would go from not hungry to STARVING in a matter of minutes. Lots of snacking on granola bars and apples with peanut butter. Or sometimes, potato chips. Shhh. Don’t tell anybody.

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie - a superfood pregnancy smoothie with everything you and your growing baby need

This superfood pregnancy smoothie has been such a saving grace for me. I have it everyday for lunch around 11am, and since it is so nutrient dense I don’t get hangry anymore. Well, until 10 minutes before dinner time, when I need to eat. NOW!

I have never been more conscious of what I am eating than I am right now when I am pregnant. All the fruits and vegetables I buy are organic, along with almost all my other food. I’ve also gotten really particular about the meat I buy. All hormone free and organic. It costs a little more, but I want to make sure me and baby boy are getting the highest quality food available.

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie - a superfood pregnancy smoothie with everything you and your growing baby need
My ultimate superfood pregnancy smoothie has all the nutrition I need –

Organic Frozen Berries: I buy a bag of organic blueberries, blackberries and strawberries at Costco. Berries are packed with antioxidants, boost heart health and lower blood pressure.

Organic Banana: I use 1 fresh banana, but you could definitely chop it up and freeze it too. Bananas have tons of vitamins and minerals, especially potassium which helps build muscle and synthesize protein.

Organic Flax Hemp Blend: I buy this big bag of Carrington Farms Organic Flax Hemp Blend at Costco. Flax seeds have omega 3, fiber, antioxidants, and hormone balancing phytoestrogens called lignans. Hemp seeds are THE most nutritious seed in the world. One of the only plant based foods considered a complete protein, providing the perfect balance of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids to promote heart health, lower triglycerides, and help reduce inflammation. Hemps Seeds contain all 8 amino acids that your body is unable to generate on its own, in addition to vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Best part is hemp seeds curb hunger, so you won’t get “hangry”! When they’re blended up, you don’t even taste them.

Organic Greens: I get this Deep Greens Blend of organic baby kale, chard and spinach. It is triple washed, so I can just throw it straight into my smoothie. These dark leafy greens are important for skin and hair, bone health, and provide protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. Don’t worry, you don’t even taste them in the smoothie.

Organic Virgin Coconut Oil: Coconut oil is a great source of healthy fats. It aids in digestion, is great for your skin and hair, and builds your immunity. Plus, it gives a nice tropical sweetness to the smoothie.

Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk: This is my preferred dairy substitute. Almond milk has 50% more calcium than milk, is cholesterol free, and it is super low in calories.

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie - a superfood pregnancy smoothie with everything you and your growing baby need

Having just 1 of these pregnancy smoothies a day really puts my mind at ease knowing me and baby boy are getting a ton of nutrition. And I don’t feel guilty when I have dessert every night after dinner. Usually ice-cream, and at least 2 scoops.

Hey, we need our sweets too!

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie - a superfood pregnancy smoothie with everything you and your growing baby need

4.7 from 3 reviews

Ultimate Super Food Pregnancy Smoothie

  • 1-1/2 cups frozen organic berries (I get a blueberry, blackberry, strawberry mix at Costco)
  • 1 organic banana
  • 2 tablespoons organic flax hemp blend (I get at Costco)
  • 2 tablespoon organic virgin coconut oil
  • big handful of organic greens (I use a baby kale, spinach and chard blend)
  • 6-8 ounces unsweetened vanilla almond milk

Ultimate Superfood Pregnancy Smoothie - a superfood pregnancy smoothie with everything you and your growing baby need

None of this was sponsored, this is just the ingredients I love!


Original article and pictures take www.tasteslovely.com site

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