пятница, 2 июня 2017 г.

Whole Wheat Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

Whole Wheat Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

You know you’ve got a fabulous recipe when your 14-year old son takes a bite of a fresh Chocolate Zucchini Muffin and says, “Hmm. Great texture.” Or maybe I’ve just got a fabulous 14-year old son. This is a given.

zucchini muffins

Here’s a pic of this amazing kid at church camp this summer. Yes, the girls have noticed him. Every single girl has noticed. Let’s go back to talking about the muffins.

Elias at camp 2016

These muffins are “moist like a cupcake.” Again – the description of my 14-year old.

The original recipe I had for these muffins called for one full cup of sugar and (brace yourself) an entire bag of chocolate chips. An entire bag. Not only am I not interested in adding that amount of sugar to the healthy and necessary meal I like to call “breakfast” – I’m also way too cheap. Would you like a little muffin with those chocolate chips?

With proportions like that, you might think that cutting the sugar so drastically as I did might turn out a boring and inedible muffin. But allow me to remind you of the teenager’s comment from above, that these muffins are “like a cupcake.” This from someone who would never have argued with me if I had chosen to dump an entire bag of chocolate chips into my muffin mix. He didn’t even know what he was missing.

He also didn’t know he was eating zucchini.

When writing this recipe for you, I shared a range of measurements for the sugary ingredients. Your family might prefer these muffins to be a bit sweeter, in which case you’ll want to go with the 1/2 cup portion of sugar and chocolate chips. Either way, the muffins will turn out amazing. You know – moist like a cupcake.

  • ¼ cup sucanat or brown sugar
  • ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ - ½ cup mini chocolate chips

  1. Mix together flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, and salt.
  2. Stir in shredded zucchini, eggs, and oil until well combined.
  3. Fold in chocolate chips.
  4. Scoop into 12 prepared muffin tins.

Whole Wheat Chocolate Zucchini Muffins

I like to use Enjoy Life Soy Free Chocolate Chips when possible. :)

Enjoy these muffins for a Back-to-School breakfast or as an after school snack. Need more breakfast ideas? Find 60 Make Ahead Breakfast ideas in this post.

Here’s your final reminder to sign up to win a copy of our new Low Sugar Treats eBook!!

Original article and pictures take heavenlyhomemakers.com site

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