среда, 22 октября 2008 г.

8 Alternatives to Orajel (Holistic Teething Remedies)

8 Alternatives to Orajel (Holistic Teething Remedies)

Don’t want to put orajel in your baby’s mouth? Here are 8 natural teething remedies to try instead!

I need to try some of these holistic teething remedies for babies! I'm not crazy about putting orajel in my little one's mouth, so I'm on the hunt for alternatives!

This post is as much for me as for anyone else. Baby Girl will turn 1 in less than 2 weeks, but she still only has 2 teeth!

Little Girl really didn’t put up too much of a fuss as she slowly cut her teeth. (She didn’t cut her first one until 11 1/2 months!)

But Baby Girl is a little more sensitive. At 9 1/2 months, I thought her chill little personality had changed overnight.

But, no…it was the teeth!

So far, here’s what’s worked for us–and I’d absolutely love to hear what’s worked for you. With just two teeth at a year old, Baby Girl still has a ways to go!

8 Alternatives to Orajel (Holistic Teething Remedies)

1. Hyland’s Teething Tablets

Even though Little Girl didn’t have a huge problem with teething pain, I absolutely loved these holistic tablets for when she did. You can get these at most any drugstore!

2. Mesh teething feeder

We put ice chips or frozen fruit in these feeders, and Baby Girl chows down! The ice is cooling on her gums, and the mesh keeps it all contained.

chamomile washcloth

3. Frozen wash cloths in chamomile

Soak a wash cloth in freshly-brewed chamomile tea and stick it in the freezer. Once frozen, let your baby chew on it. Both the tea and the coldness of the cloth will soothe sore gums.

4. Non-toxic teething rings

Why not try an old-fashioned teether? While plastic teethers abound, stores like Jack Be Natural and Amazon sell unfinished maple teething rings, which serve the same purpose–without all the chemicals from plastic or paint.

5. Teething Bling

You can make a fashion statement and help soothe sore gums with a teething necklace. I love my Smart Mom Teething Bling Necklace–and so does Baby Girl! It’s the one necklace I don’t have to worry about her breaking, and I can actually feel good about her chewing on it!

6. Earth’s Best Organic Teething Biscuits.*

I have used this organic version of classic teething biscuits, but I am now a little more cautious since Little Girl’s gluten intolerance issues. I put a * because I’m not quite sure I will continue using these since we have no idea if Baby Girl is tolerant of gluten or not.


7. Homemade remedies

I haven’t tried these, but The Holistic Mama lists two great-sounding teething remedies: Rose Hip Syrup and a Chamomile Tea Infusion. Check out her post on holistic teething remedies here.

8. Lavender essential oil

I’m determined to try this one this weekend: Katie at Kitchen Stewardship just tipped me off that she recently read that straight lavender essential oil on the gums or jawline helps alleviate teething pain.

Did your child have a hard time teething? Do you have any holistic teething remedies to share?

Disclaimer: I am not a health professional. I am just a mom who loves to use natural remedies. Please consult your trusted healthcare provider before making any decisions regarding your health. I cannot be held liable or responsible for your health decisions. These remedies are shared for entertainment and educational purposes only and are not meant to diagnose or cure any disease. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Disclosure: I have included affiliate links in this post. Thank you for supporting my site!

Top image from pixabay.com

Original article and pictures take thehumbledhomemaker.com site

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