пятница, 26 августа 2011 г.

Eating Closer to Nature

Eating Closer to Nature

In moving back to Belgium, I was quite anxious about our food. In Liberia, food isn't abundant as it is in Europe, but we did eat mostly wild, local, grass fed etc. Things that aren't even concepts in Belgium. Yes, Organic is gaining terrain in the supermarket, but even just the concept supermarket is something we dislike.

Now, I have adopted a strategy of saying yes to whatever comes along my path (I will talk about this in a future post), so I have in the past week, received a part of my mom's apple harvest, as it was too much for her to use.

Aside from apple sauce, we've made juice (with the raisins my dad brought in).

We also got really lucky and found out about a CSA farm nearby. Which we joined instantly. We already took the family to harvest.

Pulling those lovely carrots out of the ground made my daughter crave some apple-carrot juice.

As I'm writing this, I've got some herbal vegetable broth on the stove and will be starting cabbage mash with salmon and sour cream for dinner. Guess it's no surprise we'll be going back tomorrow.

We still need to go to the store for a couple of things, but we're slowly finding our way to healthy, nutritious, sustainable food.

So why is food sourcing so important?

  1. I think it's really important for the kids to know where their food comes from, plus, as unschoolers, it's all about learning from reality. How better to learn about food than to get your hands dirty in the field?
  2. Our family eats primal, so it's important to know where your food comes from, what the animals you eat have eaten, how the vegetables were grown.
  3. Food is the biggest chunk in a household budget, growing your own, participating in community agriculture are both ways to cut the cost but still get awesome produce!

Do you grow your own? Have a community garden? Support your local farmer? Tell me all about it!

Original article and pictures take www.authenticparenting.info site

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